- ORDER: Caprimulgiformes
- FAMILY: Trochilidae
Basic Description
An elegant hummingbird with clean white underparts set off by a glittering purple crown and long red bill, the Violet-crowned Hummingbird is a Mexican species that barely reaches the southeastern U.S. It is the only hummingbird in the U.S. that lacks a colorful gorget (throat patch). They occur at middle elevations in canyons, where they have a particular affinity for sycamore trees. They feed on nectar and small insects, often visiting hummingbird feeders. Some migrate south into Mexico for the winter, but others stay year-round.
More ID InfoFind This Bird
Look for Violet-crowned Hummingbirds at hummingbird feeders and gardens in southeastern Arizona (or in western Mexico) during spring and summer and increasingly year-round. To find one away from feeders, the best strategy is to locate flowering trees in sycamore-lined canyons. Watch for them flitting between flowers or, during the heat of the day, perching quietly in sycamores.
Other Names
- Amazilia Coronivioleta (Spanish)
- Ariane à couronne violette (French)