- ORDER: Caprimulgiformes
- FAMILY: Trochilidae
Basic Description
Anna’s Hummingbirds are among the most common hummingbirds along the Pacific Coast, yet they're anything but common in appearance. With their iridescent emerald feathers and sparkling rose-pink throats, they are more like flying jewelry than birds. Though no larger than a ping-pong ball and no heavier than a nickel, Anna’s Hummingbirds make a strong impression. In their thrilling courtship displays, males climb up to 130 feet into the air and then swoop to the ground with a curious burst of noise that they produce through their tail feathers.
More ID InfoFind This Bird
The easiest place to see Anna's Hummingbirds is at a feeder; otherwise keep a sharp eye out near large, colorful blossoms during the spring, especially near eucalyptus trees and cultivated gardens. Look for males are often seen high in the branches of a small tree or bush, singing loudly.
Other Names
- Colibrí de Anna (Spanish)
- Colibri d'Anna (French)
Backyard Tips
Anna’s Hummingbirds are welcome backyard birds and are easy to attract. Set out a hummingbird feeder, then mix your own hummingbird food using one part sugar to four parts water. Don't use honey or food coloring. Anna’s don’t migrate much, so don’t be surprised if the bird visits your feeder all year long. Read more about feeding hummingbirds here, and find out more about food and feeders by using the Project FeederWatch Common Feeder Birds bird list. .