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Violet-crowned Hummingbird

Hummingbirds SilhouetteHummingbirds
Violet-crowned HummingbirdRamosomyia violiceps
  • ORDER: Apodiformes
  • FAMILY: Trochilidae

Basic Description

An elegant hummingbird with clean white underparts set off by a glittering purple crown and long red bill, the Violet-crowned Hummingbird is a Mexican species that barely reaches the southeastern U.S. It is the only hummingbird in the U.S. that lacks a colorful gorget (throat patch). They occur at middle elevations in canyons, where they have a particular affinity for sycamore trees. They feed on nectar and small insects, often visiting hummingbird feeders. Some migrate south into Mexico for the winter, but others stay year-round.

More ID Info
Range map for Violet-crowned Hummingbird
Range map provided by Birds of the World
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Find This Bird

Look for Violet-crowned Hummingbirds at hummingbird feeders and gardens in southeastern Arizona (or in western Mexico) during spring and summer and increasingly year-round. To find one away from feeders, the best strategy is to locate flowering trees in sycamore-lined canyons. Watch for them flitting between flowers or, during the heat of the day, perching quietly in sycamores.

Other Names

  • Amazilia Coronivioleta (Spanish)
  • Ariane à couronne violette (French)
  • Cool Facts
    • You've heard of the "pecking order," but what about "humming order"? In the 1980s, scientists found that as nectar becomes scarcer, the larger hummingbirds tended to chase away smaller species, keeping the sugary food to themselves. The large Violet-crowned was at the top of the "humming order" followed by smaller species: Rufous, Broad-billed, Broad-tailed, Black-chinned, and Costa’s.
    • The oldest recorded Violet-crowned Hummingbird was at least 6 years, 1 month old when it was recaptured and released during banding operations in Arizona.