Pacific Wren Similar Species Comparison
Main SpeciesPacific Wren
Small, plump ball with a thin tail, often held up. Brown overall with barring on the wings and tail. Note pale eyebrow.
© Marceline VandeWater / Macaulay LibraryArizona, January 16, 2018Small, round wren with a short and thin tail. Brown overall with barring on the wings, tail, and belly.
© Mason Maron / Macaulay LibraryWashington, April 17, 2020Holds tail upright when singing a series of tumbling, trilling notes with a staccato quality.
© Jerry McFetridge / Macaulay LibraryBritish Columbia, April 29, 2020Residents on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, are larger than other Pacific Wrens and tend to be paler without the rusty tones.
© Marco Valentini / Macaulay LibraryAlaska, June 07, 2019Little round ball of a wren with a short tail. Brown overall with dark barring on the wings, belly, and tail.
© Matt Davis / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, September 21, 2019Most common in old-growth evergreen forests, but also found in deciduous forests, treeless islands in Alaska, and in mixed-species forests near streams.
© Kai Frueh / Macaulay LibraryOregon, October 23, 2016Similar SpeciesWinter Wren
The Winter Wren is nearly identical to the Pacific Wren, but they can be separated by range and voice. Winter Wrens occur in the East and Pacific Wrens in the West—west of the Great Plains, although the two species do come into contact in northeastern British Columbia in Canada.
© Davey Walters / Macaulay LibraryMassachusetts, December 04, 2016Similar SpeciesNorthern House Wren
Northern House Wrens are also more likely to be found in and around human developments that Pacific Wrens. Northern House Wrens have a longer tail and are paler overall, especially on the throat and breast than Pacific Wrens.
© Andy Witchger / Macaulay LibraryMinnesota, May 03, 2017Similar SpeciesMarsh Wren
Marsh Wrens have boldly streaked marks on their backs that Pacific Wrens lack. Marsh Wrens live in wet marshy areas, places that Pacific Wrens avoid.
© Tony V / Macaulay LibraryWashington, May 15, 2017Similar SpeciesBewick's Wren
Bewick’s Wrens are larger than Pacific Wrens with a clean white eyebrow, an unstreaked gray belly, and an unstreaked brown back.
© DigiBirdTrek CA / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, January 30, 2016Compare with Similar Species
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Species in This Family
Wrens(Order: Passeriformes, Family: Troglodytidae)
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