The Four Keys to ID
- Size & Shape
Small and compact, with a flat head and fairly long, curved beak. Short-winged, often keeping its longish tail either cocked above the line of the body or slightly drooped.
Relative Size
Smaller than a Carolina Wren; chickadee-sized.
sparrow-sized or smaller
- Both Sexes
- Length: 4.3-5.1 in (11-13 cm)
- Weight: 0.3-0.4 oz (10-12 g)
- Wingspan: 5.9 in (15 cm)
© Andy Witchger / Macaulay Library
- Color Pattern
- Behavior
- Habitat
Regional Differences
Ornithologists recognize two Northern House Wren subspecies groups: "Northern" and "Brown-throated." The "Northern" group is the one found across nearly all of the wren's range in the U.S. and Canada, while the "Brown-throated" group stretches from extreme southeastern Arizona to Oaxaca, Mexico. The "Brown-throated" group has a distinct buffy eyebrow and a cinnamon-buff throat and chest.