Pacific Wren Photo Gallery
Small, plump ball with a thin tail, often held up. Brown overall with barring on the wings and tail. Note pale eyebrow.
© Marceline VandeWater / Macaulay LibraryArizona, January 16, 2018Small, round wren with a short and thin tail. Brown overall with barring on the wings, tail, and belly.
© Mason Maron / Macaulay LibraryWashington, April 17, 2020Holds tail upright when singing a series of tumbling, trilling notes with a staccato quality.
© Jerry McFetridge / Macaulay LibraryBritish Columbia, April 29, 2020Residents on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, are larger than other Pacific Wrens and tend to be paler without the rusty tones.
© Marco Valentini / Macaulay LibraryAlaska, June 07, 2019Little round ball of a wren with a short tail. Brown overall with dark barring on the wings, belly, and tail.
© Matt Davis / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, September 21, 2019Most common in old-growth evergreen forests, but also found in deciduous forests, treeless islands in Alaska, and in mixed-species forests near streams.
© Kai Frueh / Macaulay LibraryOregon, October 23, 2016Compare with Similar Species
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Species in This Family
Wrens(Order: Passeriformes, Family: Troglodytidae)