The Four Keys to ID
- Size & Shape
Small sparrowlike bird. Overall quite compact, with large head and relatively short tail. Wings relatively long.
Relative Size
Larger than an American Goldfinch, smaller than an American Robin.
between sparrow and robin
- Both Sexes
- Length: 5.9-6.3 in (15-16 cm)
- Weight: 0.8-1.2 oz (22.3-33.1 g)
- Wingspan: 8.7-11.4 in (22-29 cm)
© Brian Sullivan / Macaulay Library
- Color Pattern
Breeding males have a bold black face bordered by a swooping yellow-white line and a rich rufous patch on the back of the neck. Females are similar but lack the extensive black. In winter, males and females retain an echo of face pattern but lack the blocks of color, becoming overall pale brown and streaked. In all plumages, the tail is dark with white outer tail feathers.
© Ian Davies / Macaulay Library - Behavior
Lapland Longspurs walk or run across open landscapes, often taking cover among plant stalks or crouching motionless against the ground, depending on their excellent camouflage to conceal them. They form large, nomadic flocks in the winter. Flushed birds often fly quite high and settle far from their original position.
- Habitat
Breeds in arctic tundra. Winters in open habitats including used agricultural fields, turf farms, and coastal dunes.
© Tom Johnson / Macaulay Library