Greater White-fronted Goose Similar Species Comparison
Main SpeciesGreater White-fronted Goose
A brownish goose with black splotches on the belly, white side stripe, white vent, and white face patch. Greenland-breeding adults (subspecies flavirostris) show bright orange bill and legs.
© Ryan Schain / Macaulay LibraryMassachusetts, December 13, 2010Juvenile
Fresh juveniles lack the black bars below and white feathering around base of the bill. The tips of the upperparts feathers are rounded rather than squared as in adults. Bill and legs are duller in color than adults.
© Brian Sullivan / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, October 31, 2020Adult
During the winter congregates in wetlands and ponds.
© Brian Sullivan / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, February 20, 2012Juvenile
Juveniles in autumn lack white feathering around base of the bill. Note the dull-colored bare parts and rounded back feathers typical of juvenile geese.
© Volker Hesse / Macaulay LibrarySchleswig-Holstein, October 11, 2020Adult
In flight, shows a white "U" on the rump. Large gray upperwing panels contrast with the dark flight feathers.
© Scott Heidorn / Macaulay LibraryAlaska, June 11, 2014Adult
A stout, brown goose with a white face patch and a pink-orange bill. Lighting conditions may make it challenging to distinguish the precise bill color in this variable species.
© David Disher / Macaulay LibraryNorth Carolina, December 28, 2016Adult
The amount of black on the bellies of adults is variable and has led to colloquial use of the nickname "Speckle belly" or even just "Speck."
© Derek Rogers / Macaulay LibraryNew York, January 14, 2016Adult
Adults in western North America typically show pinkish bills that contrast with the orange legs. Also note the brown head and neck and pale gray belly marked with black splotches.
© Mary Rumple / Macaulay LibraryIdaho, March 02, 2017Habitat
Travels in large flocks and forages in grassy estuaries and wetlands during migration.
© Richard MacIntosh / Macaulay LibraryAlaska, May 03, 2017(with Cackling Goose)
Often flocks with other goose species like these Cackling Geese. The brown neck color, pink-orange bill, and orange legs help this distinctive goose stand out in a crowd.
© John C Sullivan / Macaulay LibraryOregon, October 03, 2015Similar SpeciesCanada Goose
Neck and head is black not brown as on Greater White-fronted Goose. The bill and leg color also differ. Canada Goose has a black bill and legs.
© Max McCarthy / Macaulay LibraryMassachusetts, February 24, 2017Similar SpeciesSnow Goose
Adult blue morph
The blue from of Snow Goose has darker brown upperparts and a whiter head than Greater White-fronted Goose.
© Simon Boivin / Macaulay LibraryQuebec, May 07, 2017Similar SpeciesGraylag Goose
Graylag Geese are much larger and bulkier than Greater White-fronted Geese with a heavier, brighter pink bill and a striped neck.
© Brooke Miller / Macaulay LibraryScotland, June 02, 2015Don't miss a thing! Join our email list
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