These are large, long-bodied ducks with thin, pointed wings. Their bills are straight and narrow, unlike the wide, flat bill of a “typical” duck. Females have shaggy crests on the backs of their heads.
Relative Size
Smaller than a Canada Goose; slightly larger than a Mallard.
between crow and gooseMeasurements- Both Sexes
- Length: 21.3-27.9 in (54-71 cm)
- Weight: 31.8-76.2 oz (900-2160 g)
- Wingspan: 33.9 in (86 cm)
- Length: 21.3-27.9 in (54-71 cm)
- Weight: 31.8-76.2 oz (900-2160 g)
- Wingspan: 33.9 in (86 cm)