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A large shorebird with a long, curved bill. Similar to Whimbrel but warmer brown and with a cinnamon-colored rump. The bristly feathers on the upper legs are visible at close range. Breeds in upland tundra; during the nonbreeding season occurs in wetlands, sand dunes, rocky shores, pastures, and golf courses. Almost exclusively occurs in remote, hard to reach areas throughout the year, though does winter in reasonable numbers on the Hawaiian Islands (especially Oahu). Call is a loud “kee-oo-ee”, notably different than the common call of Whimbrel.
Relative Size
About the same size as a Whimbrel.

- Both Sexes
- Length: 15.8-17.3 in (40-44 cm)
- Weight: 10.9-28.2 oz (310-800 g)