Living Bird Spring 2009—Table of Contents
April 15, 2009More From Living Bird
Feature Articles
Golden Eagles and Us
Text by Grainger Hunt; photos by Nick Dunlop
The Allure of the Ivory Gull
By Gerrit Vyn
Birding in the Bahamas
By Brian Sullivan
Starting Over: Bird Watching in a New Backyard
By Mel White
An Enigma, Wrapped in a Riddle, Inside a Pine Cone?
By Jack Connor
Columns & Departments
View From Sapsucker Woods: Looking Forward to a New AdministrationBy John Fitzpatrick
The Winter Wren’s Wraparound Range MapBy Irby Lovette
Catbird Seat: Free as a Bird
by Pete Dunne; Illustration by Jeff Sipple
Book Review: Humans, Nature, and Birds, by Darryl WheyeReviewed by Stephen J. Bodio
Book Review: Egg and Nest, by Rosamund PurcellReviewed by Stephen J. Bodio

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American Kestrel by Blair Dudeck / Macaulay Library