Annual Rockport-Fulton HummerBird Celebration
September 18, 2025 – September 21, 2025
The HummerBird Celebration is an annual event held each September in the charming and friendly coastal towns of Rockport and Fulton. The purpose is to celebrate the spectacular fall migration of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird through the area, first documented by Connie Hagar in 1938, and to expand one’s knowledge of all birds and associated wildlife. The Celebration is fun, educational, and inspiring. There is something for everyone, and it’s designed for those who simply enjoy birds to the more experienced birder. If you enjoy nature, or some aspect of it, then this event is for you.
Located in the migratory flyway with beaches, bays, estuaries, inland woods, prairies, and fields, there is extraordinary birding throughout the area , including 10 birding sites on the Great Texas Birding Trail. Aransas Wildlife Refuge is home to migrating Whooping Cranes, and Rockport-Fulton area has a great diversity of birds. Visit our birding page: