- ORDER: Passeriformes
- FAMILY: Parulidae
Basic Description
No birder can forget that first breeding male Blackburnian Warbler: the intricate black-and-white plumage set off by flame-orange face and throat, the impossibly high-pitched flourish at the end of the song, the cool of north-woods habitat in the morning. These forest-canopy specialists are seldom seen at eye level except during migration, when they may be found among dozens of other warbler species at sites that concentrate migrants in spring and fall. They spend winters in South America in open forests including shade-coffee plantations.
More ID InfoFind This Bird
Look for Blackburnian Warblers high in the canopy of mixed deciduous-coniferous forest during summer. With so many leaves between you and the bird, they’ll be hard to see at first—so it’s helpful to listen for the male’s buzzy song with its very high final note. Follow this sound patiently and a breathtaking warbler with a glowing orange throat should eventually appear.
Other Names
- Reinita Gorjinaranja (Spanish)
- Paruline à gorge orangée (French)
Backyard Tips
If your backyard has plenty of trees, you might attract Blackburnian Warblers on migration or in summer. They may remain hard to find in the tree canopy, but they may come down into view if you offer a bird bath or water dripper. See more ideas for creating water features in your yard. Warblers don’t come to seed feeders, although they may stop by if you offer mealworms.