- ORDER: Suliformes
- FAMILY: Sulidae
Basic Description
The Red-footed Booby is a graceful, slim-winged seabird named for its vivid coral-red feet which males show off during courtship. Most booby species nest on the ground, but the Red-footed nests in trees, so they don’t compete for nest sites. This habit also provides protection from ground predators, a welcome advantage for this smallest of the six booby species. Like other members of the family Sulidae, Red-footed Boobies pursue fish by diving into the sea, but also chase flying fish like a flycatcher chases flies.
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Red-footed Boobies are tropical seabirds, and Hawaii is one of the best places to see them. If you’re on the island of Kauai, try Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge, where they are present year-round, cavorting with nesting Brown Boobies and Red-tailed Tropicbirds.
Other Names
- Piquero Patirrojo (Spanish)
- Fou à pieds rouges (French)