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Finches SilhouetteFinches
RedpollAcanthis flammea
  • ORDER: Passeriformes
  • FAMILY: Fringillidae

Basic Description

As energetic as their electric zapping call notes would suggest, Redpolls are active foragers that travel in busy flocks. Look for them feeding on catkins in birch trees or visiting feeders in winter. These small finches of the arctic tundra and boreal forest migrate erratically, and they occasionally show up in large numbers as far south as the central U.S. During such irruption years, Redpolls often congregate at bird feeders (particularly thistle or nyjer seed), allowing delightfully close looks.

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Range map for Redpoll
Range map provided by Birds of the World
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Find This Bird

Most people in North America get to see Redpolls only in the winter, when the birds come to feeders or forage on small seeds in trees or in weedy fields. Listen for their sharp, buzzy call notes and energetic trills and chatters. Keep in mind that they often form fairly large flocks that seem constantly in motion.

Other Names

  • Pardillo Sizerín (Spanish)
  • Sizerin flammé (French)

Backyard Tips

Redpolls eat seeds of a size to match their small bills. They’re particularly likely to come to thistle or nyjer feeders, though they may also take black oil sunflower or scavenge opened seeds left behind by larger-billed birds. Find out more about what this bird likes to eat and what feeder is best by using the Project FeederWatch Common Feeder Birds bird list.

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