Buff-collared Nightjar Photo Gallery
A typical nightjar with large eyes, a small bill surrounded by whiskerlike rictal bristles, and an intricate mix of gray, brown, black, and rufous markings. Note the buffy-cinnamon neck collar that connects with a thin white throat collar.
© Blair Dudeck / Macaulay LibraryOaxaca, February 25, 2020Spends the day roosting on the ground, typically under small bushes on hillsides, with the head pointed downslope.
© Luke Seitz / Macaulay LibraryEl Progreso, March 29, 2019This nightjar’s bold cinnamon collar is more prominent than in other similar species.
© Bradley Hacker 🦜 / Macaulay LibraryOaxaca, December 19, 2018Adult male has extensive white in the outer three tail feathers (visible in one feather here), while female has limited buffy tips and no white in the tail.
© Andrew Core / Macaulay LibraryArizona, August 30, 2017Nonbreeding birds often perch on and make foraging flights from the ground.
© Christoph Moning / Macaulay LibraryOaxaca, February 21, 2012Compare with Similar Species
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Species in This Family
Nightjars and Allies(Order: Caprimulgiformes, Family: Caprimulgidae)
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