Barnacle Goose Photo Gallery
A small, compact goose with a short, stubby bill. The head is mostly white, with a black crown and a black line between the eye and bill. The neck, throat, and breast are black, contrasting with the white face and grayish-white belly. The upperparts are light gray, with heavy black barring. The legs and bill are black.
© Christoph Moning / Macaulay LibraryFryslân, January 01, 2011In flight, note the silvery upperwings, two-toned underwings, and black breast.
© Fabio Olmos / Macaulay LibrarySvalbard, June 16, 2023Adult
A small goose with a mostly white head; black neck, throat, and breast; grayish-white underparts; and silver upperparts with black barring.
© Galatee Films / Macaulay LibraryFebruary 01, 2000Not all videos have soundForms large flocks while foraging, on migration, and on wintering grounds.
© Antonio Xeira / Macaulay LibraryBayern, November 22, 2016Juveniles quickly develop the general color pattern of this species, but their plumage is duller overall.
© John Cant / Macaulay LibrarySvalbard, July 23, 2015Adult and chick
Both parents care for the young, which can walk, feed, and swim as soon as they leave the nest.
© Josep del Hoyo / Macaulay LibrarySvalbard, July 05, 2018Not all videos have sound(with Graylag Goose)
Easily identified among Graylag Geese and other “gray geese” by small size and black, gray, and white coloration.
© Dennis Mersky / Macaulay LibraryEngland, October 06, 2016In Svalbard, Greenland, and northwestern Russia, nests on rocky outcrops or cliffs.
© Julia Sheldon / Macaulay LibrarySvalbard, June 23, 2014Flock
Wintering birds across Europe forage on tidal mudflats, saltmarshes, meadows, and pastures.
© Erkki Lehtovirta / Macaulay LibraryKymenlaakso, October 08, 2012Not all videos have soundFlock
A highly social species, often forming huge flocks during migration and on wintering grounds.
© Erkki Lehtovirta / Macaulay LibraryKymenlaakso, October 08, 2012Not all videos have soundCompare with Similar Species
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Species in This Family
Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl(Order: Anseriformes, Family: Anatidae)
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