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Savannah Osprey Cam Timeline

Delve into the history of the Savannah Osprey cam.

Review the main events, including nesting cycle milestones and other noteworthy incidents, in this historical timeline of the Savannah Osprey cam.

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Nesting Cycle Dates & Information

YearEgg #Lay DateHatch DateFledge Date
20211March 5April 13June 12
2March 8April 16June 16
3March 11Inviable
20201March 8Inviable
2March 11April 16June 16
3March 13April 18June 16
4March 16April 21Deceased
20191March 6April 12June 12
2March 9April 14June 12
3March 12April 16June 21
20181March 8April 15Jun 5
2March 11April 18Deceased
3March 14Inviable
20171March 27May 5Deceased
2April 4Inviable
3April 5Inviable

2021 Season Timeline

June 16, 2021: Youngest Osprey Fledges From Nest In Savannah, Georgia

Youngest osprey fledges

At 61 days post-hatch, the second Osprey chick finally fledged from its treetop nest overlooking Skidaway Island, Georgia, on the morning of June 16. Viewers have been watching for this moment with anticipation since the chick has been perching at the edge of the nest over the past few days. Watch the youngster take off without warning at 6:13 AM and make a swooping flight around the nest. Upon landing, the elder fledgling arrives to land on top of its sibling to join it at the nest site. Now that chicks have taken flight, the parents will continue to provide them with food for at least a couple of weeks, as the young Ospreys hone their fishing skills.

June 12, 2021: Eldest Osprey Chick Fledges From Savannah Nest

Eldest Osprey fledges

At 60 days post hatch, the eldest Osprey chick has taken its first flight on the morning of June 12! Watch the chick flap its wings and hover up and around the nesting tree before landing on the large branch above the nest.

April 16, 2021: Second Osprey Chick Hatches, Third Egg Inviable

Two Osprey chicks

The second Osprey chick has hatched after 39 days of incubation! Watch the hatchling perk up and turn itself around to receive its first meal alongside its 3-day-old sibling. A visible pip (or break in the egg) was seen overnight on April 15, and the chick was first seen working its way out of the egg at 3:45 AM the next morning. The third and final egg would fail to hatch.

April 13, 2021: First Look At Osprey Hatchling In Savannah, Georgia

Savannah Osprey chick

The first Osprey egg has hatched in the Savannah Osprey nest. After a pip (or break) surfaced on one of the eggs on the evening of April 12, the female revealed a healthy looking hatchling early this morning during a short brooding/incubation break. Osprey eggs hatch asynchronously, meaning one egg will hatch every two to three days instead of all at once.

March 11, 2021: Female Reveals Third And Final Egg Of Savannah Osprey Cam Breeding Season

Osprey lays third egg of 2021

Watch the female Osprey reveal that she’s laid a third egg on a beautiful sunny morning in Savannah, Georgia. She lifts off the nest at 7:07 AM to make sure all three brown-speckled eggs are accounted for, and then she shimmies back down to continue her incubation duties.

March 8, 2021: Female Lays Egg #2 In Savanah Osprey Nest

Osprey lays Egg #2

Egg #2 has arrived at the Savannah Osprey nest. Watch the female lift off the nest cup to reveal a glimpse of the second bespeckled egg at 8:05 AM on March 8. Osprey clutch size ranges from 1–4 eggs, so the female might still be prepping to lay more eggs. The Ospreys nesting at this site have a habit of laying a clutch of three, so don’t be surprised in another egg arrives soon.

March 5, 2021: Savannah Ospreys Lay First Egg Of 2021

Osprey lays first egg

We can officially welcome the Ospreys in Savannah, Georgia to the 2021 breeding season. Watch the female hunker down and lay her first egg the a moss-filled nest at 12:43 PM on March 5. This is the earliest we’ve seen the Ospreys start laying at this site (the first egg arrived on March 6 in 2019), and there’s a very good chance that more are on their way. Ospreys lay one egg every 2–3 days until the clutch is complete.

2020 Season Timeline

June 16, 2020: Younger Osprey Chick Fledges Shortly After Sibling

Younger Osprey Chick Fledges Shortly After Sibling

The second Osprey chick has fledged just two hours after its sibling took its first flight. Watch the young Osprey take its first flight at 10:48 AM on June 16. It loops behind the nest and eventually returns to perch on the branch above. These two Osprey chicks will likely stick around the nest area for the next week or two before they start to explore areas beyond the cam’s view.

June 16, 2020: First Osprey Chick Fledges, Hovers Out Of View

First Osprey Chick Fledges, Hovers Out Of View

Without much prep or indication, the 61-day-old Osprey nestling fledges at 8:40 AM by hovering up and out of the cam’s view. Now we wait for its younger sibling to follow suit.

April 26, 2020: Youngest Osprey Chick Dies, Likely Starvation

We are sad to report that the youngest Osprey chick has passed away, likely due to starvation. Fish was plentiful, but the youngest chick was not doing well competing with its siblings for food and attention. Although sibling aggression rarely leads to death directly from injury, it can lead to younger siblings starving, usually when food is limited, because resources are monopolized by larger, stronger siblings.

April 21, 2020: Third And Final Osprey Chick Hatches

Third And Final Osprey Chick Hatches

The third and final Osprey chick hatched in the Savannah nest on April 21. Watch the chick begin to break out of the shell in this clip. This marks the end of the incubation period for the Ospreys as they begin to focus their efforts solely on the care of their brood.

April 18, 2020: Second Osprey Chick Hatches In Savannah, Georgia

Second Osprey Chick Hatches In Savannah, Georgia

Big news! The second chick has hatched at the Savannah Osprey nest. After 36 days of incubation, the hatchling was revealed on April 18 when the female rose to check on her two bobble-headed hatchlings in the nest bowl. One egg remains.

April 16, 2020: Savannah Osprey Chick Hatches At Night

Savannah Osprey Chick Hatches At Night

The first Savannah Osprey chick has hatched after 36 days of incubation. See the chick’s first moments out of the shell as the adult rises to check on the clutch on the evening of April 16. Assuming the other two eggs are viable, we expect to see them hatch over the next 2–4 days.

March 16, 2020: Fourth Egg Laid In Savannah Nest

Fourth Egg Laid In Savannah Nest

Surprise! The female Osprey laid her fourth egg of the season in the Savannah nest yesterday, March 16. The nest cup now holds a trio of speckled, cream eggs after the birds buried their first egg of the season deep in the nest substrate. Are more to come? We’ll have to wait and see. Ospreys typically lay up to four eggs per clutch.

March 13, 2020: Osprey Welcome Egg #3 In Savannah

Osprey Welcome Egg #3 In Savannah

On March 13, the female Osprey hunkered down and laid her third egg of the 2020 breeding season. Two eggs now reside in the nest bowl after the first egg (laid on March 8) was promptly buried in the nest after its arrival. Catch a good look at the eggs on March 14 when the male takes over incubation duties from his mate.

March 11, 2020: Female Lays Second Egg In Savannah Osprey Nest

Female Lays Second Egg In Savannah Osprey Nest

The female Osprey hunkered down at 2:30 AM and laid the pair’s second egg in the Savannah nest on March 11. Egg #2 has arrived 3 days after Egg #1, which was subsequently buried in moss by the Ospreys shortly after its arrival. The Osprey may have rejected the egg for reasons unknown, or they may have simply lost the egg in the mossy substrate of the nest. One thing is clear up to this point: the pair’s investment in incubation has resumed since egg #2 arrived this morning.

March 8, 2020: First Egg Laid At Midnight By Female Osprey

First Egg Laid At Midnight By Female Osprey

The egg-laying period has begun for the breeding pair featured on the Savannah Osprey cam. Watch the female alight on the nest and lay the first egg on March 8, just moments after the clock strikes midnight.

2019 Season Timeline

June 21, 2019: Youngest Osprey Fledges From Savannah Nest

Youngest Osprey Fledges From Savannah Nest

Good things come to those who wait! The youngest sibling has finally fledged from the Savannah Osprey nest after 66 days (the typical nestling period for Ospreys ranges between 50 and 55 days). Watch the young chick follow the example of an elder sibling, who hovers over with a fish, as it takes off around the adjacent cam perch and out of frame. Good luck out there young one! It’s likely we’ll see more from the fledglings while they hang around their nesting territory as they hone their flying skills and learn to fish.

June 12, 2019: Two Eldest Osprey Chicks Fledge

Two Eldest Osprey Chicks Fledge

Two Osprey chicks have taken flight today! Watch the second chick make a confident first flight from the edge of the stick-filled nest, swoop around, and zip back onto the nest in high-speed fashion. The two eldest chicks fledged after 61 and 59 days post-hatch.

April 16, 2019: Osprey Chicks Pop Up For Feeding After Egg #3 Hatches

Osprey Chicks Pop Up For Feeding After Egg #3 Hatches

Then there were three! The Savannah Ospreys’ third and final egg hatched on the morning of April 16. Watch the female parcel out bits of fish to her nestlings just hours after the youngest hatched. The parents will have their work cut out for them over the next 50–55 days as they work together to keep their chicks well-fed and cared for.

April 14, 2019: Second Egg Hatches, Fish Delivered to Osprey Nestlings

Second Egg Hatches, Fish Delivered to Osprey Nestlings

The female feeds her two chicks in the nest on the same day her second nestling hatches from its egg after 36 days of incubation!

April 12, 2019: First Egg Hatches In Savannah

First Egg Hatches In Savannah

Enjoy the first close-up look at the first Osprey chick to hatch in the Savannah nest in 2019. This chick hatched in the late night hours of April 12.

March 12, 2019: Third Egg Laid In Savannah Osprey Nest

Third Egg Laid In Savannah Osprey Nest

Another three days means another egg for the Savannah Ospreys. The pair’s third egg was spotted in the nest around noon on March 12 while the pair were switching off incubation shifts. The eggs have been laid on March 6, 9, and 12. Osprey clutch sizes range from 1–4 eggs, and females typically lay every 1–3 days until the clutch is complete. 

March 9, 2019: Savannah Ospreys Lay A Second Egg

The Savannah Ospreys now have a clutch of two eggs! With a nest bowl buried deep in sticks and Spanish moss, it can be hard to get a clear view at what goes on beneath an incubating parent, but viewers were greeted with a peek at two speckled eggs on the morning of March 9!

March 6, 2019: Breeding Season Begins As Egg Laid By Female

Breeding Season Begins As Egg Laid By Female

Egg Alert! The intrigue continues on the Savannah Osprey cam this morning. After multiple visits from Great Horned Owls in the past 12 hours, the Ospreys staked their claim to the nest with their first egg! Watch the heavily spotted egg appear this morning just before 8:00 AM.

2018 Season Timeline

August 18, 2018: 2018 Savannah Osprey Cam Season Highlights

2018 Savannah Osprey Cam Season Highlights

Join a pair of Ospreys through the trials of the breeding season as they diligently work to raise a young chick into an adept fisher bird on the 2018 Savannah Osprey cam!

June 11, 2018: Osprey Chick Fledges In Savannah, Georgia

Osprey Chick Fledges In Savannah, Georgia

Skidaway Island welcomed its newest Osprey fledgling this morning at 7:36 AM! After spending 57 days in the nest, watch the Osprey chick from the Savannah Osprey cam lift off from the nest and make a confident, gliding flight around the cam site before returning to the perch. The young bird wasn’t done, either. Minutes later, it took off again, circled the nest site, and alighted on the cam perch. Now that the Osprey chick has fledged, the adults will continue to supplement the young bird as it hones its flying skills and learns to fish. Recent fledglings may stay in or near the nest for multiple weeks as they learn to become independent, so there should still plenty opportunities to watch this family grow!

May 2, 2018: Youngest Osprey Nestling Dies

Youngest Osprey Nestling Dies

After several hours of inactivity in the nest bowl on the morning of May 2, the youngest Osprey chick appears to have died. Ultimately the cause of death is unknown; however, it’s most likely that the chick succumbed to lack of access to food or to injuries incurred from sibling aggression over the previous few days. While it is unfortunate to witness such an event, nestling mortality is not uncommon in wild bird nests. In Ospreys, older siblings have a higher survival rate than younger siblings, and nestling mortality is higher for the first 2-3 weeks after hatch during the peak period of growth. Despite the loss of their youngest chick, the adults still have a chance at having a successful breeding season, and we hope that you continue to watch and learn along with us as they work to raise their oldest nestling to fledge.  

April 18, 2018: Egg #2 Hatches On Savannah Osprey Cam

Egg #2 Hatches On Savannah Osprey Cam

On the Savannah Osprey cam, the second egg hatched in the evening ours of April 18 on its 38th day of incubation. The third egg was deemed inviable after it failed to hatch.

April 15, 2018: Egg #1 Hatches In Savannah

Egg #1 Hatches In Savannah

After 38 days of incubation, the first chick has hatched on the Savannah Osprey cam! The hatching was first spotted in the early morning hours of April 15 and received it’s first meal shortly thereafter. 

March 14, 2018: Third Egg Unveiled In Savannah During Incubation Switch

Third Egg Unveiled In Savannah During Incubation Switch

As of March 14, three eggs share the nest bowl on the Savannah Osprey cam! In this clip you can clearly see two eggs, with the top of the third egg just poking out of the nest bowl.

March 11, 2018: Second Osprey Egg Arrives In Savannah

The female has laid a second egg in the nest on the Savannah Osprey cam. How many speckled eggs will be laid in this nest in 2018? Only time will tell.  

March 8, 2018: First Egg Is Laid At The Savannah Osprey Nest

First Egg Is Laid At The Savannah Osprey Nest

The Osprey breeding pair in Savannah, Georgia have their first egg! Watch the female unveil the white and brown speckled shell for the first time in the late afternoon hours of March 8. Compared to last year, the Ospreys are getting an early jump on the breeding season. In 2017, the on-cam pair’s first egg didn’t arrive until March 27.

2017 Season Timeline

May 25, 2017: American Crow Scavenges Inviable Eggs in Savannah Nest

American Crow Scavenges Inviable Eggs in Savannah Nest

A crow alighted on the Savannah nest on May 25 and continued to break open and eat the contents of the two inviable Osprey eggs that remained on the Savannah Osprey nest.

May 14, 2017: Savannah Nestling Dies Following Intruder’s Visit

Savannah Nestling Dies Following Intruder's Visit

Over the last two days, the Osprey pair on camera have been harassed and attacked by at least one aggressive Osprey. Following these recent attacks, the nestling appeared listless and didn’t respond to the parents’ attempts to feed it, and it may have been injured during the interactions. Unfortunately, despite our hopes that the nestling’s condition would improve, it appears to have succumbed to its injuries and died. The dead nestling was eventually removed the following day on May 15. 

May 5, 2017: Egg #1 Hatches on Savannah Osprey Cam

Egg #1 Hatches on Savannah Osprey Cam

The first Osprey egg has hatched in Savannah, Georgia! This young chick is right on time; it hatched on day 39—the average incubation period for Ospreys. Time will tell if the rest of the clutch should hatch over the nest 2–4 days, after which the adults’ sole focus will be to provide their chicks with enough food and warmth for the nest 50–60 days until they are ready to fledge.

April 4, 2017: Egg #3 Spotted in Savannah Nest After Fish Delivery

Egg #3 Spotted in Savannah Nest After Fish Delivery

It’s confirmed – a 3rd Osprey egg has been spotted in the Savannah nest! All three eggs can be seen when the male rolls them after delivering a fish to his mate. Egg #2 was laid on March 30, which suggests that this 3rd egg was laid sometime over the past weekend on April 2 or 3 (Ospreys lay eggs every 2-3 days until the clutch is complete). We’re lucky to get a peek at all three eggs because this Osprey pair has built a deep nest bowl that’s surrounded by mossy substrate on the sides, which blocks a clear view at the eggs.

March 30, 2017: Egg #2 Arrives In Savannah, Georgia

Egg #2 Arrives In Savannah, Georgia

Viewers received the first peek at the Osprey pair’s second egg this evening. The top of the second egg can be barely seen to the right of the other. It surfaces over the mossy substrate for just a moment when the male nudges it with his beak before settling in for an incubation shift.

March 27, 2017: Egg #1 Laid By Savannah Osprey Female

Egg #1 Laid By Savannah Osprey Female

Early in the morning on March 27, the Osprey pair that’s been inhabiting the Savannah nest laid their first egg! It may be hard to see when you’re tuned in, but the lone egg is nested deep in the substrate of the nest bowl. In this clip, we get a definitive peek at the egg when the male rolls it after delivering a headless fish to the female. Ospreys most commonly lay 3 egg clutches, although numbers can range anywhere between 1-4 eggs. Eggs are laid every 2-3 days until the clutch is complete, with eggs most often laid early in the mornings.

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Pileated Woodpecker by Lin McGrew / Macaulay Library