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Great Horned Owls Start Leaving The Nest

Watch one of the owlets accidentally fledge from the nest on May 14.

The owlets from the Great Horned Owl Cam in Austin, Texas, are now 43 and 41 days old, and one of them is already exploring beyond the nest. The first owlet not-so-gracefully left the nest on May 14 after slipping from the sotol planter above the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s courtyard entrance! Don’t miss the second owlet’s departure—watch live.

Growing Up: The past couple of weeks have provided plenty of entertainment for viewers observing the owlets’ development. We’ve seen the owlets bobbing their heads while tracking an incoming meal delivery from a parent, taking some time to cool off on a hot morning, and learning the limitations of their growth! At this age, the nestlings are already good climbers, and they should be capable of making short flights within the coming week.

Fledgling Fun: Once the second owlet fledges, the siblings will remain in close company for several weeks as they investigate their natal territory. They may roost together on trees and ledges, and we may be able to follow some of their activities if they stay within range of the cam. Athena and her mate will continue to watch after and feed their fledglings throughout most of the summer until the youngsters are ready to disperse at 3–4 months post-fledge.

Keep watching and learning with us as these owlets continue their transformation from downy nestlings into some of the most fierce predators of the sky!

Cornell Lab

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Pileated Woodpecker by Lin McGrew / Macaulay Library